Alessandro Jaker, Ph.D.
Including some old unpublished things and some new and forthcoming things.
Publications and Papers

New and forthcoming things.
Already published things.
Old unpublished things.
Jaker, Alessandro. (in preparation). Demorphemicization in Lexical Phonology.
Jaker, Alessandro. 2022. Tetsǫ́t'ıné Prefix Vowel Length: Evidence for Systematic Underspecification. NLLT (online).
Jaker, Alessandro & Phil Howson. 2022. An Acoustic Study of Tetsǫ́t'ıné Stress: Iambic stress in a quantity-sensitive tone language. Phonology (online).
Jaker, Alessandro, Emerence Cardinal & Dora Cardinal. 2021. Testǫ́t'ıné Yatıé K'ı́zı̨́ T'ası́e Hudzı ɂErıhtł'ı́s/ Tetsǫ́t'ıné Dictionary. ANLC Publications.
Jaker, Alessandro & Paul Kiparsky. 2020. Level Ordering and Opacity in Tetsǫ́t'ıné: a Stratal OT account. Phonology 37.4: 617-655.
Jaker, Alessandro & Emerence Cardinal. 2020. Tetsǫ́t'ıné Verb Grammar / Tetsǫ́t'ıné Yatıé K'ı́zı̨́ T'at'ú Henádhër Yatıé ɂEłtth'ı ɂEłanı́ı́lye. ANLC Publications.
Jaker, Alessandro. 2020. On the historical source of a ~ u alternations in Dëne Sųłıné optative paradigms. Glossa 5 (1): 67. 1-33.
Jaker, Alessandro, Nicholas Welch, and Keren Rice. 2020. Na-Dene Languages. In The Routledge Handbook of North American Languages. Routledge.
Jaker, Alessandro. 2018. The Full ~ Reduced Vowel Contrast in Tetsǫ́t'ıné. In Working Papers in Athabaskan (Dene) Languages 2018. Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center. Also available (here).
Jaker, Alessandro. 2016. Wıı̀lıı̀deh Yatıı̀ Stress Revisited: Evidence for Iambic Foot Structure. In Alessandro Jaker (ed.) Working Papers in Athabaskan (Dene) Languages 2016. Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center. Also available (here).
Jaker, Alessandro and Paul Kiparsky. 2016. Conjugation Tone Mapping in Tetsǫ́t’ıné (Yellowknife): Level Ordering and Morphologization. In Proceedings of CLS52.
Jaker, Alessandro. 2015. The Consonant Hierarchy in Dëne Sųłıné: Verbal Morphophonemics and Synchronic Variation. In Proceedings of CLS51.
Jaker, Alessandro. 2014. Selection and Blocking in the Northeast Dene Verb. In Tracy Holloway King and Miriam Butt (eds.) Proceedings of LFG14. CSLI Publications. Available (here).
Jaker, Alessandro. 2012. Quantity: Linguistic Basis. In Ronald Greene and Stephen Cushman (eds.) The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Princeton University Press.
Jaker, Alessandro. 2012. Prosodic Reversal in Dogrib (Weledeh Dialect). Doctoral Dissertation, Stanford University. Dissertation supervisor: Paul Kiparsky.
Jaker, Alessandro. 2010. Be careful what you throw out: Gemination and tonal feet in Weledeh Dogrib. In Andrea L. Berez, Jean Mulder, and Daisy Rosenblum (eds.) Fieldwork and Linguistic Analysis in Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication No. 2 (May 2010): 203-222. Available (here).
Note that some of my older work is superceded by my more recent work. For example, in Jaker 2016 I re-analze Wıı̀lıı̀deh stress as being iambic straight through the derivation: there is no switch to trochees as I claimed in Jaker 2012. Similarly I no longer endorse the idea of 'tonal feet', and I now believe that the 'geminates' are actually moraic onsets--but that was the stage of my thinking circa 2010.
Jaker, Alessandro. 2013. In Defense of Tone Reversal: the-conjugation in Northeast Dene Languages. Manuscript, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Downloadable (here).
In this paper, I argue against the Constriction Hypothesis (Leer 1999, 2001, Krauss 2005) and in favor of the older view of tone reversal (Ackroyd 1976, Howren 1979), i.e. that Proto Northeast Dene was tonal and High-marked, and Dogrib reversed its tones. Evidence comes from the morphophonemics of the-conjugation.
Jaker, Alessandro. 2007. From Agglutination to Fusion: Coalescence in the Athabaskan Verb. Manuscript, Stanford University. Downloadable (here).
This was my second qualifying paper. The phonological analysis therein is completely superceded by my dissertation (Jaker 2012) and I no longer endorse ‘tonal feet’. However, this paper also contains a formalization of morpheme-based faithfulness, which enables a formal account of the morphologization of prosodic features.
Jaker, Alessandro. 2006. Split Subject Agreement and Morphological Typology. Manuscript, Stanford University. Downloadable (here).
This was my first qualifying paper, where I outline my approach to Sapir’s isolating-agglutinating-fusional morphological typology, as being derived from the factorial typology of three constraint families, Contrast, NoAllomorphy, and Alignment, using PC Theory (Lubowicz 2003) and String-Based Correspondence (McCarthy & Wolf 2005).